Sunday, January 15, 2012

Criticism first, congratulations last...

Since when has being negative become the common thing to do. You rarely see someone say something nice anymore. The first reaction to any kind of news is to criticize it, without knowing all details or even the person commenting on. 

It is a sad world we live in when a complete stranger can hate you from what is posted online. 

Technology is a great invention. It has made life much easier, although sometimes too easy. 

Technology has allowed people to hide behind their insecurities, emotions, and true essence and given them a platform to spread hate. 

What ever happened to compassion?

People's first thoughts are always negative. To get attention on twitter they tweet someone with something negative to get a RT and potentially some new followers. The problem is that it isn't genuine. The internet has given people imaginary lives. It has given them confidence and most importantly an attitude. 

Everyone has flaws, everyone has insecurities, no one is perfect. 

But before pointing out the next person's imperfections remember that you are too imperfect. 

Lift up and not tear down. People are quick to post a bible scripture but don't portray what they tweet or post. 


  1. ICAM! I say it all the time. What ever happened to civility?

  2. Yes! It bugs me how everyone wants to put people down first instead of encouraging.


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