Friday, January 20, 2012

1L 2nd semester

So now is the time to evaluate what you did good or bad last semester and make some changes. 

This is a new semester, different classes but you now have experience under your belt. If you did good then you know how to manage and keep doing well. If you did less than satisfactory, it is only up from here. (Hopefully)

This new semester I have five classes, two volunteer positions and less money. At the least my stress level has elevated but I know what is needed. I know what needs to be adjusted. What worked and what did not work. 

I never learned how to properly study because my ability to understand new concepts have been great so far. This is something new. I tried new ways to study and some worked and some didn't. I was one of those students who went to class, studied for exams the night before and got a effect score. This isn't undergrad and I can't do that. I didn't do that but I still was unsure on how to properly study or if my method of studying was good or not. 

Grades were not perfect but they weren't bad either. I did good for my 1st semester and I am excited to do even better this new semester. I am more confident, have little bit more knowledge and some new techniques under my belt. 

I vow to make this semester my best of the year. First week was chaotic but glad to be in this position. Pursuing my dreams, completing my goals and expanding my knowledge. 

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Criticism first, congratulations last...

Since when has being negative become the common thing to do. You rarely see someone say something nice anymore. The first reaction to any kind of news is to criticize it, without knowing all details or even the person commenting on. 

It is a sad world we live in when a complete stranger can hate you from what is posted online. 

Technology is a great invention. It has made life much easier, although sometimes too easy. 

Technology has allowed people to hide behind their insecurities, emotions, and true essence and given them a platform to spread hate. 

What ever happened to compassion?

People's first thoughts are always negative. To get attention on twitter they tweet someone with something negative to get a RT and potentially some new followers. The problem is that it isn't genuine. The internet has given people imaginary lives. It has given them confidence and most importantly an attitude. 

Everyone has flaws, everyone has insecurities, no one is perfect. 

But before pointing out the next person's imperfections remember that you are too imperfect. 

Lift up and not tear down. People are quick to post a bible scripture but don't portray what they tweet or post. 

Saturday, January 14, 2012

My favorite hair products giveaway

I have decided to do a giveaway for the loyal ladies who have liked my page. I have to go in hibernation soon and I want to show my appreciation for "liking" and keeping up with my page. 

I will choose one person who follows my twitter page

I will choose one person who brings a friend to my page, just click on the like button on the side of this blog. 

I will choose one more person who follows my blog. 

Here are the products I will be giving away to anyone in the U.S. free shipping. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

High Expectations

I was speaking to an incoming 1L and he was buying books at the SBA book sale. He needed a little help find his books so I helped him out. He told me who his teachers were and found out he has my same section. I began to give him advice on the teachers on what not to do, what to expect and the ends and outs and he kept stating "Oh I'm not worried, I was a great student in Undergrad". 

It took me to experience my 1st semester of law school to be able to say to him. "This is nothing like Undergrad". Law School is totally new experience. You don't come in prepared for law school. You can't expect to be a straight A student because when you get your first C your world as you know it may come crashing down. 

I understood where he was coming from. That was me last August. School has never been a challenge for me. I am a perfectionist but in law school I faced reality. I lowered my expectations so that I can see what I needed to improve and grow from my experience. 

Had I kept my expectations high, not getting an A in a class I felt I should have gotten an A would have prevented me from comprehending what I did wrong and how to go forth. That is not something someone can tell you because you will not receive what someone is telling you. 

I did not try to tell him to lower his expectations. Me and a friend reminded him that almost everyone in Law School was a straight A student but not everyone can get a A because Law School has a mandatory curve. Maybe he listened, maybe he didn't. Come June he will understand all to well what we meant.

Monday, January 9, 2012

2nd shot at being a litigator

Ok, so the verdict is back and I don't suck after all. I gave up before truly trying. I am not a quitter and I don't fold under pressure. Its just not me. So after prying myself for an hour I tried it again and I got a page full. It isn't perfect but it is a great start. I get nervous speaking but never at writing so this was a new experience for me. The funny thing is that I participated in a Mock Trial before and I have done opening, closing, direct and cross and I actually did pretty good. I received tuition money for it as well. I have decided that there is still a chance of being a litigator. 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

No litigation for me

So I am sitting here trying to draft up a closing argument for a Mock Trial I am involved in. Then it hits me...

I am not cut out to be a litigation attorney. Yes I love to write and I can be a bit dramatic at times but to sit here and write a performance, I just cannot do it.

I feel that I should have went to acting school before law school. I don't know what to say, how to say it and how to prevent myself from stuttering and babbling like an idiot. The verdict is still out but as of right now, no litigation for me.


So a friend sent me a link to a leadership building group and I think I just may take a look. I want to be confident when I speak because I am confident when I write. Thanks for the link Louise! 

Friday, January 6, 2012

Winter Break

Ok, so winter break is finally here. Final are behind you and you are living the life. Waking up as late as you want. No where important to be but then it hits you.

Grades will be here soon. Job applications don't fill out themselves. Scholarships and fellowships want you to conjure up a miracle also known as a law school transcript and panic sits in.

Winter break should be relaxing, or just a BREAK.

In reality, it is disguised as pandemonium and a cover letter fiesta. I have typed 25 cover letters and still feel behind.

Winter break has let me down completely. I have one grade so far and my anxiety has jumped to an all time high.

Why even give them one at a time???

To drive me crazy. That is why.

One more week and I am back to hibernation.

Can I have a minimum of at least two more weeks???????

Monday, January 2, 2012

The Big Chop!

I am coming up on my 1 year anniversary of the BIG CHOP!

I was very nervous and anxious and frustrated all rolled up in one. My journey has been long but I enjoyed learning about my natural hair. I had no idea what I was doing. I started transitioning October 2010. I chopped it all off one afternoon, on Feb. 4th, 2011 and the rest is history.

I did my research on youtube. Youtube is an excellent resource on finding about new products and how to do styles. There were so many people going through the same thing as I was. Transitioning to natural hair. There youtube channels have wonderful tips on what products to use, how to make your own products and great styles to try on your newly transitioned hair.

Doing the big chop and rocking the fro is no easy task. Your hair does what it wants from day to day, some products work, some doesn't. Going from straight hair to tightly coiled hair is a different experience to say the least. You have to find what works best for you and remember to not get frustrated and go day to day. What may look busted to you looks beautiful to everyone else. I have gotten many compliments on styles I thought was horrendous.

I enjoy trying to make my hair do what I want it to do. The two strand twist outs, blow out, flat twist, and small, medium and large fro styles keep me from looking the same day to day. I am proud that I stuck it out and did not succumb to using the "creamy crack" on days that I got frustrated.

I created a page on Facebook to discuss all things natural hair and if you are a natural girl or considering transitioning or doing the Big Chop check it out sometime. It is not just be talking but many people ask questions and I answer them or find the answer or we all discuss it.

Me after the big chop and some hair color. 

Me Now. 

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