Saturday, April 21, 2012


Absolutely cannot fold to pressure. 

Never been a person stuck on appearances and opinions of others. 

I never allow other's perception of me decide the choices and routes I take in life. 

Now is no different. 

Sometimes I feel a need to conform or tone down my over the top personality but I had to check myself. 

I am not for everyone. 

Everyone won't care for me or appreciate my opinion but you won't pressure me to be a replica of your collective opinions and ideas. 

I am me for a reason just as you are you for a reason. 

What I say or believe should not affect if you. 

Why get up in arms because my thinking is different than yours? 

I am who I am because I don't fold to pressure and now is no different. 

Stop pressuring me to conform into your reality and allow me to live mine as I afford you the same opportunity. 

I cannot say I understand and know everything you experience and nor do I pretend to. 

If you haven't experienced the same as I have, how can you tell me my perception is not the truth?

Stop pressuring me to change my beliefs, because I won't. 

I am heavily opinionated  and will voice my opinions when I feel it is appropriate but I am not trying to convince anyone. 

I have a voice and I will project it when I choose to. 

Please feel free to disagree but don't pressure me to change because I absolutely won't. 


  1. Nice posting. don't change girl. once we keep conforming to others, we are handing those individuals power.


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