Thursday, March 29, 2012

Trayvon Martin

I purposely chose to not speak on this case too early. I wanted to wait for my facts to emerge and I didn't want to be accused of following the hype. This case touches my heart because in a few years i will have a teenage son. 

I want my son to stay a young boy forever because in this world he is seen as a threat and not as a normal average human being. I have to worry about him being hurt in the rough streets of chicago. I always have to worry about him being profiled by the police. I have to worry about his being racially stereotyped and accused of being a bad person or threatening all because of the color of his skin. 

It is hard to read the blogs, or hear the criticism from people of other races and even from people of the same race when this killing cannot be justified. If it had been another black man who did it, there should be justice. it doesn't matter that Zimmerman is of another race. It matters that this kid was profiled because his skin is brown and he had on a hoodie. Someone son is dead. It is only because he is a young black teen. There was no other reason. Our black men can't go where they please in this free world. I know that certain neighborhoods we are not welcomed. I know that we are viewed as a violent race but people forget how violent our passage was to this "free" country. 

It is easy to say that the teen was not perfect and got in trouble. But the facts are clear. Zimmerman saw a black teen and thought he looked suspicious with his hoodie on and he followed him. How can a person be an aggressor after being stalked and followed. He can't. 

All I can think is that Martin could have been my son. In a few more years that could be my son. It breaks my heart because he will never be viewed solely as a human being. He will only be identified as a threatening black male. 

A criminal is a person who commits a crime. That person could be of any race. Why should everyone else be afforded the benefit of doubt but not our black males. They are labeled and demonized before they take their first walk. 

It is sad that there are other blacks who criticize people who have protested for Trayvon Martin. Whether a person protest everytime an injustice takes place or not, it should be welcomed. The negative remarks do not uplift anyone but tears people down. There is no reasoning for this. 

This horrific event should be used as a wake up call. We need to protect our children from this world. It is time we stand up for our children. No matter who the person is, our children deserve justice. If the aggressor is black, white, hispanic, asian, we need to stand up. My heart breaks everytime a child or a person loses their life to violence. This shouldn't happen and it is time to do something about it. 

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